Robin Learning Systems

Programs For Organizations

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Albert Einstein

Unleashing Organizational Potential:

Transformative Programs Rooted in the 6D Appreciative Inquiry Model

Robin’s Programs for Organizations are grounded in the 6D Appreciative Inquiry model of organizational change. Unlike traditional approaches which focus almost exclusively on problems and how to solve them, Appreciative Inquiry is a strengths-based, solutions-focused approach to organizational development. Robin calls it “mining for gold.” 

Robin believes that each organization already has strengths, assets, and resources hidden within it. These can be activated, organized, and expanded to meet current and future challenges. This Appreciative Inquiry model has been used by organizations as large as the United Nations and as small as a local grocery store. 

By using a system of powerful, positive questions and aspirational discussions, Appreciative Inquiry:

  • Enables and inspires all categories and levels of stakeholders to discover and activate their strengths, assets, and resources
  • Uses those discoveries to devise pathways, prototypes, programs, and protocols for creating sustained success on multiple levels
  • Benefits the organization and the individuals within the organization
  • Engages all of the organization’s stakeholders

Robin’s programs range from 2-hour Workshops to full three-day Summits and are customized specifically for each organization. They are based on science-backed principles and incorporate evidence-based practices for individual and organizational wellbeing.

Dr. David Cooperrider

Case Western Reserve University

Dr. Michelle McQuaid

The Wellbeing Lab

“Decades of research show that a constant key predictor of peak performance and sustained commitment remains the ability to create an environment in which people are engaged and energized.”

Robyn Stratton-Berkessel

Appreciative Inquiry for Collaborative Solutions

The 6D Appreciative Inquiry Model:

Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciate, verb:

  1. to recognize the good, the worthwhile
  2. to increase in value

Inquire, verb:

  1. to ask questions; to be open to new ideas, possibilities
  2. the act of exploration and discovery

The Questions We Ask Determine What We Find:

  • The Very First Question Initiates Change
  • What We Focus On Grows
  • Words Create Worlds
  • Imagination Inspires Action
  • Positive Questions Lead to Positive Actions
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Examples of Workshops include:

  • Creating Change Positively
  • Building Belonging
  • Creative Collaborations
  • Generations Working Together
  • Expanding Capacity Through Strengths
  • Establishing Psychological Safety
  • Building Strength Through Crisis
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